
Keep in mind that although we are looking to quiet the chattering of our minds sometimes that only happens for a very brief time (perhaps only a few breaths). It does gets easier with practice. Some days more so than others.

This first mediation is perfect as an introductory practice.  It is only 6 and a half minutes in duration with a brief period of silent meditation. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

This meditation was taught to me by my teacher Jonathan Foust at the Kripalu Yoga School.

This is not a meditation, but instead, a guided relaxation. You can put this on when you can’t sleep or are feeling anxious to help you calm down. I would suggest laying down as you listen.

This 20 minute meditation begins with breath awareness and then moves onto a visualization of healing with light to find a sense of calm and peace.

This New Year’s meditation is just under 20 minutes. It’s great for closing out one year with gratitude and starting another with gratitude and inspiration.

Cultivate a stable posture and stable seat in this mediation then simply allow. This mostly guided mediation includes 5 minutes of almost quiet.


In accordance with the Vipassana Meditation tradition these meditations are offered free of charge. If you benefit from them and would like to, send any payment as a gesture of gratitude through venmo or paypal. Thank you for listening.

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